Eagle Valley BaCC Spring 2: DaVinci

Published July 24, 2014 by crystyldragyn


I am Talia DaVinci!  Famous artiste!


This is Michelle Tse, the world famous artiste’s favorite muse and source of inspiration.


Perhaps… too much inspiration has been happening?


Things could have become very intriguing with both of us pregnant at the same time.


However, I did not even have time to get a picture with both of us and our bumps, much less be able to paint it.


A newboo, a beautiful little boy with my skin and my hair and Michelle’s beautiful eyes.  Perhaps he can be a different sort of inspiration?  I named him Leonardo of course.


Michelle was always willing to be my inspiration, no matter what state our bodies were in.


But an unpottytrained baby was no inspiration to either of us!


Michelle was far too pregnant to go to work, but do you think that stopped her?  Of course not.  When they wouldn’t send the car pool she walked to work, still dressed in her pajamas.


At least they drove her back, and she brought a friend home from work with her.


He was just in time, I had invited all of the families on our street that I knew.  I hadn’t realized I didn’t know the Toyonagas from across the street, I would have to fix that.


Everyone gathered around to witness Leonardo’s first birthday.  I was not at all surprised that Dr. Carl did not use a noisemaker.  I was far more surprised that he was there at all.


Leonardo was such a darling.


Most of the females joined me to hang out.  I was surprised to find that I didn’t even look twice at Demi, and tried to ignore Iris.  I was a … committed woman I guess.  This is also when I found out LaShawn had moved out of the Hawking place with her two children.  I hadn’t invited her because I thought when I invited the Hawking household she would come.  There was no divorce, because she and Dr. Carl had never married.  I wondered what Michelle thought of that.


Dr. Hawking and Abe were more than happy to settle down with little Leo and talk about space crafts while us girls had our time together.


After everyone left, I went to get Leo a bottle, only to have him grab one off the floor!  He made himself sick!  Poor baby.


I thought Michelle had made herself sick as well, when she started crying out and bending over, but she was just in labor.


Baby Rachael was almost the complete opposite of her brother.  They both had my skin, but Rachael had my eyes and Michelle’s hair.  Perfect!


I taught my little Leo how to say Mama for me and Mommy for Michelle.


I loved my little muses, but they didn’t leave me a lot of time to paint.


Especially when Michelle decided we should buy this place.  La Boheme was just a little clothing store with not much in it, but there were some people that desperately needed new clothes.  Iris told me that her sister, Daisy, had to wear a dress made out of leaves! because they couldn’t find anything at the house for her to wear.


I was happy for the extra money, we had taxes to pay and the house really wasn’t big enough for the kids, but… my art!


Little Leo finally had all of his toddler skills, and the store was closed, so I was finally able to find some time to paint, but not nearly as much as I wished.


And then it was Rachael’s birthday.  (I had wanted to name her Rafael, but Michelle had objected, and Demi already named her daughter Donnatella.  Maybe, if we have any more I’ll name them after real muses…)


Oh, little Rachael is just so adorable.  Look at her mommy’s hair!  And her mama’s eyes.


Being a mom is a type of inspiration of it’s own… but I miss my easel!

Next up: Beauregarde


Sims: 26 (+2)

Households: 6

Community Lots: 5

SM: 3

Population: 78

La Boheme Clothing: level 3

Michelle: lvl 5 Business

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