
All posts tagged DaVinci

Eagle Valley BaCC Summer 2: DaVinci

Published August 9, 2014 by crystyldragyn


Seeing Leonardo and Rachael drawing together warmed my heart.  One day they would both be great artists like me.


I was well on my way to my next masterpiece, manfully ignoring Michelle.


She was not having a good day.  Gally, Dr. Carl’s second daughter, had called to tell us that he had been abducted again.  Michelle, it seems, and I didn’t know this, had a fear of true aliens.  I’d never seen her have any problems with Dr. Carl’s children, but she had feared him being abducted and when she heard, she just broke down.


I had hoped the Sim Shrink would be able to help her.  I think perhaps, he’s a quack.  Now that my newest masterpiece is done, perhaps all she needs is a good dose of inspiration.


And I do know what inspires my Michelle.


Ever since my children were born, I find less and less need for anyone outside of my family.  Michelle has even started making noises about, perhaps, a wedding.


I believe, if she asks, I will say yes.  Or perhaps I should ask her myself?  Decisions, decisions.


Michelle used our latest bout of inspiration, to inspire her to use this contraption to get charisma points.


She is dedicated to becoming the first Business Tycoon in Eagle Valley.


Our children are as close as twins, I would almost think they were, if it wasn’t for one simple fact.


Leonardo, grew up first.


I was so very proud of him!  The first thing he wished to do upon growing up was to learn to paint…. Of course that is not my easel!  My easel is sacrosanct!  Not even my dear Michelle is allowed to use my easel.  I bought him his own of course.  Rachael watched him for a time.


She then headed back to her table to draw.


Even with the easel, Leonardo still liked drawing on the children’s table as I worked on my own paintings.  Michelle was working on becoming friends with this person as well as learning logic.  She assures me that friends are necessary as more than muses if you want to get anywhere in business.


Once my latest masterpiece was finished, I took the time to teach Leonardo how to study before starting a new one.  I do believe Michelle would be better at this then me.  Leonardo did not seem to appreciate the answers that I gave him.  Of course, his teacher did not seem to appreciate my answers either.  Benjamin West was the perfect answer to the question “Name an ocean painter”, it’s not my fault the teacher forgot to add that last word.  Who cares about the names of the oceans?  All that matters is the artists and pictures that depict them.


Michelle had been working far too hard, but she wouldn’t listen to me about it.  Perhaps marriage was not for us if she cared so little that she fell asleep in the middle of the spaghetti.  She hadn’t had time to be my inspiration in days!


She did, at least, manage to be there when our daughter grew into a child.


But once again, I was the one having to help with homework.


Leonardo was always willing to make friends when he wasn’t drawing or painting.  When he saw this girl… Amarylis, I believe?  One of the daughters of Rose and Talin, he rushed out the door to greet her before she got too far away.


And when he brought Edwin Cameron home from school, he made sure to introduce him to Rachael.  He’s such a good big brother.


I’m still not sure what I’m going to do about Michelle.  She swears she’s only one promotion away from becoming a Business Tycoon, and as soon as that happens we’ll sit down and discuss our future.  I don’t know if I can last that long without a muse, and yet, I truly don’t want to set a bad example for the little artists we’re raising.


Sims: 33

Households: 8

Community Lots: 6

SM: 3

Population: 99

La Boheme: lvl 3

Jobs: Business lvl 9

Eagle Valley BaCC Spring 2: DaVinci

Published July 24, 2014 by crystyldragyn


I am Talia DaVinci!  Famous artiste!


This is Michelle Tse, the world famous artiste’s favorite muse and source of inspiration.


Perhaps… too much inspiration has been happening?


Things could have become very intriguing with both of us pregnant at the same time.


However, I did not even have time to get a picture with both of us and our bumps, much less be able to paint it.


A newboo, a beautiful little boy with my skin and my hair and Michelle’s beautiful eyes.  Perhaps he can be a different sort of inspiration?  I named him Leonardo of course.


Michelle was always willing to be my inspiration, no matter what state our bodies were in.


But an unpottytrained baby was no inspiration to either of us!


Michelle was far too pregnant to go to work, but do you think that stopped her?  Of course not.  When they wouldn’t send the car pool she walked to work, still dressed in her pajamas.


At least they drove her back, and she brought a friend home from work with her.


He was just in time, I had invited all of the families on our street that I knew.  I hadn’t realized I didn’t know the Toyonagas from across the street, I would have to fix that.


Everyone gathered around to witness Leonardo’s first birthday.  I was not at all surprised that Dr. Carl did not use a noisemaker.  I was far more surprised that he was there at all.


Leonardo was such a darling.


Most of the females joined me to hang out.  I was surprised to find that I didn’t even look twice at Demi, and tried to ignore Iris.  I was a … committed woman I guess.  This is also when I found out LaShawn had moved out of the Hawking place with her two children.  I hadn’t invited her because I thought when I invited the Hawking household she would come.  There was no divorce, because she and Dr. Carl had never married.  I wondered what Michelle thought of that.


Dr. Hawking and Abe were more than happy to settle down with little Leo and talk about space crafts while us girls had our time together.


After everyone left, I went to get Leo a bottle, only to have him grab one off the floor!  He made himself sick!  Poor baby.


I thought Michelle had made herself sick as well, when she started crying out and bending over, but she was just in labor.


Baby Rachael was almost the complete opposite of her brother.  They both had my skin, but Rachael had my eyes and Michelle’s hair.  Perfect!


I taught my little Leo how to say Mama for me and Mommy for Michelle.


I loved my little muses, but they didn’t leave me a lot of time to paint.


Especially when Michelle decided we should buy this place.  La Boheme was just a little clothing store with not much in it, but there were some people that desperately needed new clothes.  Iris told me that her sister, Daisy, had to wear a dress made out of leaves! because they couldn’t find anything at the house for her to wear.


I was happy for the extra money, we had taxes to pay and the house really wasn’t big enough for the kids, but… my art!


Little Leo finally had all of his toddler skills, and the store was closed, so I was finally able to find some time to paint, but not nearly as much as I wished.


And then it was Rachael’s birthday.  (I had wanted to name her Rafael, but Michelle had objected, and Demi already named her daughter Donnatella.  Maybe, if we have any more I’ll name them after real muses…)


Oh, little Rachael is just so adorable.  Look at her mommy’s hair!  And her mama’s eyes.


Being a mom is a type of inspiration of it’s own… but I miss my easel!

Next up: Beauregarde


Sims: 26 (+2)

Households: 6

Community Lots: 5

SM: 3

Population: 78

La Boheme Clothing: level 3

Michelle: lvl 5 Business

Eagle Valley BaCC Winter 2: DaVinci

Published July 14, 2014 by crystyldragyn


Iris Willow was willing to come over and be my inspiration.


We tried out the hot tub.


And the bed.


But then!  Do you know what she did?!  She tried to stand there and give me tips!  I don’t kneed tips, thank you.  She was here for inspiration, not for critiques!


Suffice to say, she was not asked back.  Instead I met with Shelby.  Three bolts!  I knew this would be great inspiration.


But she didn’t want to be my inspiration!  Who doesn’t want to be my muse?!  To be immortalized for all time in my paintings?


I was so upset I just painted.


And painted.  Just weeks before I had been too hot, now I’m far too cold.  And it wasn’t even a masterpiece.


I’d had enough.  I didn’t want any more inspirations.  I just wanted Michelle, so I called her over.


I asked her to move in with me and she agreed.


She brought enough money that we could embellish the inside of the house.  It wasn’t the most tasteful, I do admit, but the pinks and yellows gave me inspiration, especially when we decided to move my easel inside.


Michelle got a *gulp* job.  She wanted to be a Business Tycoon.  We had a couple of stores in our valley now, but surely not enough for a Tycoon.


And I wasn’t feeling well.  I wished my inspiration would come back.  I wanted my Michelle.


I was even losing my figure.  My inspirations wouldn’t like me any more.


Michelle assured me that it simply wasn’t true.  Fat or skinny, she’d still love me and so would the rest of my muses.  Well, she didn’t say that part, but I assumed she meant it.


This was Kobe.  As soon as I saw her, I knew I wanted her.


She was so sweet.  Maybe she could be a different kind of inspiration.


I tried so hard to adopt her but I was so tired.  Kobe meowed until I woke up to make sure I didn’t freeze, but then she left.


Kobe at least got me to paint something different than what I had been doing.


Michelle was not happy with me when I went out to pay the bills.  You’d think she would be proud that I remembered to pay them, but no, she said I was being irresponsible.  I have no idea what she means.  She’s just being mean.

Next: Beauregarde


Sims: 19(+1)

Households: 5

SM: 2

Population: 38

Community Lots: 2

Fund: $27,400

Eagle Valley BaCC Fall 1: DaVinci

Published July 9, 2014 by crystyldragyn


Of course you know who I am!  I’m Talia DaVinci of course!  And I learned something new today!


I learned that if you spend enough time painting outside, you can get really, really hot.  I didn’t even know my skin would burn!  I made sure to come in and get water more often after that.


I could have gone inside to paint of course, but I would have missed a new source of inspiration!


I mean, Jill’s not quite as good an inspiration as Michelle, but no one says you have to have only one source of inspiration.


I asked Jill on a date, and she was quite happy to do so.


*sighs happily* This is what inspiration is all about.


Though this doesn’t hurt, I must admit.


As soon as I was full of inspiration, I headed out to my easel.  Jill didn’t mind being a muse for me.  I’m not sure what she thought of the picture her inspiration brought out in me, but she was good about it.


It was a masterpiece!


She must not have minded the picture too much since she brought over this hot tub for me that night.


Of course I had to call her over to thank her!  It was only polite.


And of course, while she was here, she might as well model for another picture.


I really should have asked Jill to join me in the hot tub she brought.  However, Michelle was still my favorite muse.


And I decided I’d rather break it in with her.


Michelle was a muse to an entirely different type of painting.


I don’t think I’ve painted anything but masterpieces since getting together with Michelle.  I really want her to live with me… but I don’t think I can have only one muse.  I’m not sure what I’m going to do.

New house, Beauregarde, coming up next.


Sims: 12

Households: 3

SM: 1

Pop: 12

Jobs: None

Community Lots: None

Eagle Valley BaCC Summer 1: DaVinci

Published July 7, 2014 by crystyldragyn


My name is Talia DaVinci.


I was *born* to create art!  It’s even in my name!  Sure, Leonardo invented stuff and stuff, but who really cares about that?  Think of the art!  My purpose in life is to make things pretty.  I moved out here to Eagle Valley to get more inspiration for my art.


My parents were quite happy to give me enough money to buy this cute little house.  They said something about getting me away from the “bad influences” in my life.  What bad influences?  Carly and Megan and Tina and Louise and Shaniqua and… well, you get the picture.  They were just friends.  Friends who *inspired* me!


You would think that if they were going to buy me a house they’d give me enough money to furnish it.  Ah well, it’s no big deal.  After all, it’s what’s on the outside that counts!  Function has no place getting in the way of the pretty.


I think Mommy and Dad thought there wouldn’t be any cute girls around.  They were wrong.  I’ve already got people leaving me gifts and giving me compliments.   I suppose I can take a few minutes away from my painting.  After all, I might need some more inspiration.  And nothing inspires me more than cute girls.


I don’t know that this guy is worth leaving my picture for, but he does live right next door, so I suppose I should be polite.  *sigh*


Oh!  I know that sound!  Someone is hearting me!  I love it when someone hearts me!  It means I’m more likely to be inspired!


Oh yeah, inspiration, here I come!  When we met it was like getting hit by a lightning bolt! Zap! Zap! Zap! Three lightning bolts even!


My first picture on my new land.  I think I’ll call her Michelle, after the gorgeous redhead that came over earlier.  I made sure to get her number before she left.


She was delighted to come over for a date.


And we did have quite a bit of fun.  She inspired me so much I immediately felt the need to get out of bed and go paint.  I hope she understands.  I am an artist!  If she’s going to be my muse, she needs to realize that art comes first.


This person could not appreciate true art!  He will not be invited back.


I did, sometimes, let the landscape inspire me.  The river?  Um… well… and the trees?  They’re um… they’re over at the Willow place, right across the street of course!


The next time I invited Michelle over was more for me than my art.  I’d never had just one muse before, but I’d never had someone I appreciated as much as I did Michelle.


She was not just a lover, but a friend as well.


I might even be falling in love instead of just lust.


Do you have any idea what true love will do to my art?!?  It makes me glow!  And it will bring me true masterpieces!  I just know it will!

See you in the fall!

Talia is a Fortune/Romance sim with a want to be the Law (not happening).  Her first date with Michelle, who she does have three bolts with, they ACR woohooed, but the whole time her wants panel was masterpiece, money, top arts and crafts.  Not a single want for Michelle after pillowfighting her.

I actually expected Talia to be a bit more ditzy, but she turned out just to be a little obsessed.


Sims: 8

Households: 3

Sim Multiplier: 1

Population: 8

See you back at Hawking’s place for the fall!