Eagle Valley BaCC Spring 2: Hawking

Published July 24, 2014 by crystyldragyn



I, there in the middle, am Dr. Carl Hawking.  To the far left is Galilei and Edwin, my middle children.  On my right is my companion LaShawn Cameron, carrying Marie and my daughter Tesla carrying Kepler.  If their skin is what is considered normal around here than they carry LaShawn’s last name.  If their skin is extraordinary, than I carried them myself and their last name is, of course, Hawking.


The aliens gave me this marvelous elixir.


Drinking it seemed to rejuvenate me.  I was sure I would still be capable of carrying alien children, something, I must admit, I had not been sure was possible any more due to my advanced age.


LaShawn and I discussed her moving out so there would be room for new additions.  She was worried about the money issue, afraid that without her there to work on cars the four of us would starve.  I admit, I have never doubted her dedication to my children, even those that were not hers.


I assured her that the books I had been writing were bringing in enough money that I should be able to keep the family afloat.  I had also recently found a magazine that would be willing to buy articles from me.


In fact, I had just recently maxed my creativity skill, thus assuring best selling books about my encounters with aliens.  The only problem was they kept misclassifying the books as fiction!


Edwin brought this child home from school.  I admit to being a bit confused.  Her parents were both green.  Her older sisters were green.  I did not see why being born by woohoo would ensure that she was not green.


After the flower child left, I could not be bothered to remember her name, it was time for Marie’s birthday.


I was very surprised that there were sparkles at Marie’s birthday.  I had assumed those were just around for alien children’s birth.


And Marie was certainly no alien.


Unlike Kepler who decided to sink into the floorboards and allow no one to pick him up.


Eventually LaShawn was able to convince him to come back to the surface.


Just in time for his birthday.  Kepler proved his intellectual superiority even as a baby, already considering his good report cards.


And of course, he was covered by sparkles as he aged up.


Gally decided to be the one to call up our neighbors to inform those that didn’t know that we had new family members.  I don’t believe any had been around since the newest children were born.


Kepler did have some habits I did not approve of.  His interest in the spoiled bottle instead of the glowing one was one such habit.


And I can not prove he had anything to do with this pile of fuming garbage, but I do not know where else it could have come from.  I would think he did it to be evil or mean, but truthfully, all of my alien children are completely… *shudders* … nice.


LaShawn did *not* appreciate the roaches that the garbage brought into the nursery.  Nor did I.


Especially when family members began to get sick because of them.  I had not been aware that alien children could get human sicknesses.


But it was obvious that they could.


LaShawn had an old family recipe she swore would make us all better.  Normally, I prefer scientifically proven and created medicines, but there is no pharmacy or doctor around here, as obvious by the fact that all of our children were born at home.  Since a doctor was not available, we tried this soup.  It seemed to work.


The children seemed to be getting along well, but they did have their own little cliques.


Tesla was working on her charisma.  She still wished to become an entertainer and believed charisma skill would help her there.  I tried to inform her that she would most likely end up as part of a sideshow if she continued in that direction, but she would not listen to me.


She also continued her relationship with that girl.


I continued my relationship with the aliens, of course.


Edwin rushed upstairs when he’d heard I’d been abducted.  I am not quite sure what he saw, but it did seem to shock him quite a bit.


The others gathered at the street to welcome me back.  I simply do not understand why my children do not seem excited by the alien spaceship that brought me home.


LaShawn informed me that it wouldn’t do for this child to not have a sibling close to its own age.  I reminded her that she was planning on leaving at the end of the season.  She wanted a child anyway.


Our children were exceptional.  Edwin would make a good scientist with his wish to keep everything orderly.  He would go around and make the beds of others if given the chance.


Marie would happily play with her bunny for hours.


She only removed herself from it when it was time for her to grow up.


Tesla made it in there to watch.


Surprisingly the two were not friends.  Tesla had spent more time with Kepler than Marie, but more with her girlfriend or mirror than any of the younger children.


She did seem to realize this was a problem, and willingly taught Marie how to play chess, making friends with her in the process.


I must admit, my own condition and her interest in other things was concerning to me.  If LaShawn did leave soon, it would be up to Tesla to take on a good amount of the child care, although Gally would be a teen soon.


LaShawn and I had another conversation.  She was pregnant as well and knew that two new children would fill this house to bursting.


It was time for her to leave.


I was… surprisingly discontent as I watched Edwin and Marie get into the taxi.  I knew they were only moving down the street, but it suddenly seemed a long distance away.


Kepler watched Gally do her homework and, as his thought bubble as a baby showed, was very interested.


He grew into a child then and there.


The first thing he wished was to learn to do homework.  Since Marie had left her homework behind, I used it to teach him.


LaShawn and Tesla had both wished for these stations, and we had just enough money to buy them after selling the latest car.  Tesla, it seems, was able to work on the engine, but not the body of the cars, so we needed another way to earn some money.  Robots would be useful in the house as well.


While working on that, Gally and Kepler were getting to know each other better over the chess table.  I wondered how they would feel about their newest sibling.  I knew that Tesla was hoping for another with purple skin, while Gally and Kepler wanted another that looked like them, but had yet to tell them that this set of aliens was different yet again.

Next up: Willow


Playable Sims: 23

Households: 6

SM: 2

Population: 46

Community Lots: 3

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