
All posts tagged Hawking

Eagle Valley BaCC Summer 2: Hawking

Published August 8, 2014 by crystyldragyn


I do not believe I ever truly understood how much LaShawn did around here.  snapshot_20c16d1b_80de6932

Before she joined the household, I survived off of cereal and lunchmeat sandwiches, so had no need to use the stove.


I was not particularly good at it.  If it was not for the child I was carrying needing nourishment at this time, I would not even be bothering.


There were also problems with the tub and toilet that I had not been required to put up with before.


I was not completely incompetent and managed to get Gally and Kepler fed before the bus.


Tesla took care of the misfunctioning plumbing.


The children were at school when I felt the familiar pains.


I named her Alva, after Thomas Alva Edison of course.  I was delighted to have proof of yet a third alien species.


When Tesla came home she immediately started taking care of all of the chores I had let slide.  Having her was certainly a good decision on my part.  Now if I could only convince her to stay…


She took care of Alva,


and helped Kepler with his homework.


She did ask that I continue working on LaShawn’s latest car since she wasn’t able to do so.  I reluctantly did so.


I was finally able to return to my beloved telescope.


I was not expecting to be abducted again so soon.  This time it was Gally and Kepler’s people that wished to ask me questions about how they were coping and growing.


Gally, as usual, could not wait to call her siblings and inform them that I had been abducted again.


I was quite pleased that I was not yet too old to have yet another alien child, even though I already had two with green skins.


Not one day later, I was abducted yet again, by a completely separate species that I did not have a child with yet.  I was not pleased that I was already pregnant.


Meanwhile things moved on as they tend to do.  Tesla asked that girl to go steady with her.


Gally was practicing her flying when she decided to grow up.


And did so without my permission.  She had some interest in knowledge but a greater interest in fortune.  What use do we have for money?  Even worse?  She wishes to be a video game designer!  It’s not quite as bad as an entertainer, but what am I doing wrong?


My son Edwin showed up in order to be there for his littlest sister’s birthday.  As did that girl.


Alva grew into a white skinned, golden eyed little girl who looks as if she is wearing makeup.


LaShawn came over to pick up Edwin and stayed to play with Kepler for a moment.


Tesla helped with Alva’s toddler training.


Although, I, of course taught her to speak and to call me Dr. Carl as they all do.  They all seem to have some trouble with the words though, even Tesla makes it sound more like “Dad” instead of Dr. Carl.


It is always such a surprise when I suddenly get bigger.  If I had not seen LaShawn go through the same thing I would believe it was because of the alien nature of the coming child.


Now that Gally is getting older, she is taking the time to get to know her family members.


Although I do not understand why hanging Alva upside down is her way of getting to know her.


She begged for a bass guitar, and since there was still a bit of money left over from the last car, I allowed her to get it.


However, she ended up spending far too much time outside.


She went to bed not feeling well and woke up with a sunburn.  How, exactly, does green skin get a suntan?


She ended up getting so overheated that she couldn’t even stand.  Perhaps not having any melatonin in her skin made her more susceptible to burning?


She even collapsed.


Perhaps it was contagious.


Soon it was time for the newest alien to be born.  I called for Tesla, but she didn’t come.


So once I gave birth to a child who also wanted to see Tesla, I headed upstairs.


She wasn’t there either, but I put the first one down to give birth to a second.  I hoped for a moment that the second child would be from the fourth group of aliens, but they were both green skinned, and both girls.  Why do they continue to give me girls?  After some thought and searching online databases, I decided to name them Joule and Volta.


LaShawn came over for Tesla’s birthday, as did that girl.


She did not seem to appreciate growing up, nor did any of the rest of us appreciate it, it seems.


No one even seemed to notice that girl growing up, into very inappropriate clothes.  Perhaps after this break down they will rethink each other.


The Sim Psychologist showed up to help Tesla out, I suppose.  Witch doctors!  Hmph!


Honestly, he didn’t help too much.


That girl helped more.


But then she convinced Tesla, my Tesla!  My first born alien child!  My only purple skinned alien child!  To move out.


I found a way to get over it.


Sims: 32 (+3)

Households: 7 (+1)

Community Lots: 5

SM: 3

Population: 96

Eagle Valley BaCC Spring 2: Hawking

Published July 24, 2014 by crystyldragyn



I, there in the middle, am Dr. Carl Hawking.  To the far left is Galilei and Edwin, my middle children.  On my right is my companion LaShawn Cameron, carrying Marie and my daughter Tesla carrying Kepler.  If their skin is what is considered normal around here than they carry LaShawn’s last name.  If their skin is extraordinary, than I carried them myself and their last name is, of course, Hawking.


The aliens gave me this marvelous elixir.


Drinking it seemed to rejuvenate me.  I was sure I would still be capable of carrying alien children, something, I must admit, I had not been sure was possible any more due to my advanced age.


LaShawn and I discussed her moving out so there would be room for new additions.  She was worried about the money issue, afraid that without her there to work on cars the four of us would starve.  I admit, I have never doubted her dedication to my children, even those that were not hers.


I assured her that the books I had been writing were bringing in enough money that I should be able to keep the family afloat.  I had also recently found a magazine that would be willing to buy articles from me.


In fact, I had just recently maxed my creativity skill, thus assuring best selling books about my encounters with aliens.  The only problem was they kept misclassifying the books as fiction!


Edwin brought this child home from school.  I admit to being a bit confused.  Her parents were both green.  Her older sisters were green.  I did not see why being born by woohoo would ensure that she was not green.


After the flower child left, I could not be bothered to remember her name, it was time for Marie’s birthday.


I was very surprised that there were sparkles at Marie’s birthday.  I had assumed those were just around for alien children’s birth.


And Marie was certainly no alien.


Unlike Kepler who decided to sink into the floorboards and allow no one to pick him up.


Eventually LaShawn was able to convince him to come back to the surface.


Just in time for his birthday.  Kepler proved his intellectual superiority even as a baby, already considering his good report cards.


And of course, he was covered by sparkles as he aged up.


Gally decided to be the one to call up our neighbors to inform those that didn’t know that we had new family members.  I don’t believe any had been around since the newest children were born.


Kepler did have some habits I did not approve of.  His interest in the spoiled bottle instead of the glowing one was one such habit.


And I can not prove he had anything to do with this pile of fuming garbage, but I do not know where else it could have come from.  I would think he did it to be evil or mean, but truthfully, all of my alien children are completely… *shudders* … nice.


LaShawn did *not* appreciate the roaches that the garbage brought into the nursery.  Nor did I.


Especially when family members began to get sick because of them.  I had not been aware that alien children could get human sicknesses.


But it was obvious that they could.


LaShawn had an old family recipe she swore would make us all better.  Normally, I prefer scientifically proven and created medicines, but there is no pharmacy or doctor around here, as obvious by the fact that all of our children were born at home.  Since a doctor was not available, we tried this soup.  It seemed to work.


The children seemed to be getting along well, but they did have their own little cliques.


Tesla was working on her charisma.  She still wished to become an entertainer and believed charisma skill would help her there.  I tried to inform her that she would most likely end up as part of a sideshow if she continued in that direction, but she would not listen to me.


She also continued her relationship with that girl.


I continued my relationship with the aliens, of course.


Edwin rushed upstairs when he’d heard I’d been abducted.  I am not quite sure what he saw, but it did seem to shock him quite a bit.


The others gathered at the street to welcome me back.  I simply do not understand why my children do not seem excited by the alien spaceship that brought me home.


LaShawn informed me that it wouldn’t do for this child to not have a sibling close to its own age.  I reminded her that she was planning on leaving at the end of the season.  She wanted a child anyway.


Our children were exceptional.  Edwin would make a good scientist with his wish to keep everything orderly.  He would go around and make the beds of others if given the chance.


Marie would happily play with her bunny for hours.


She only removed herself from it when it was time for her to grow up.


Tesla made it in there to watch.


Surprisingly the two were not friends.  Tesla had spent more time with Kepler than Marie, but more with her girlfriend or mirror than any of the younger children.


She did seem to realize this was a problem, and willingly taught Marie how to play chess, making friends with her in the process.


I must admit, my own condition and her interest in other things was concerning to me.  If LaShawn did leave soon, it would be up to Tesla to take on a good amount of the child care, although Gally would be a teen soon.


LaShawn and I had another conversation.  She was pregnant as well and knew that two new children would fill this house to bursting.


It was time for her to leave.


I was… surprisingly discontent as I watched Edwin and Marie get into the taxi.  I knew they were only moving down the street, but it suddenly seemed a long distance away.


Kepler watched Gally do her homework and, as his thought bubble as a baby showed, was very interested.


He grew into a child then and there.


The first thing he wished was to learn to do homework.  Since Marie had left her homework behind, I used it to teach him.


LaShawn and Tesla had both wished for these stations, and we had just enough money to buy them after selling the latest car.  Tesla, it seems, was able to work on the engine, but not the body of the cars, so we needed another way to earn some money.  Robots would be useful in the house as well.


While working on that, Gally and Kepler were getting to know each other better over the chess table.  I wondered how they would feel about their newest sibling.  I knew that Tesla was hoping for another with purple skin, while Gally and Kepler wanted another that looked like them, but had yet to tell them that this set of aliens was different yet again.

Next up: Willow


Playable Sims: 23

Households: 6

SM: 2

Population: 46

Community Lots: 3

Eagle Valley BaCC Winter 2: Hawking

Published July 14, 2014 by crystyldragyn


I am Dr. Carl Hawking.  I am currently holding my son Edwin Cameron, while my companion LaShawn Cameron is holding my second gift from the aliens, Galilei Hawking.


My eldest daughter Tesla was my first gift from the aliens.


It’s hard to believe it has been long enough since I was first gifted that Tesla has grown into a teenager.  And I still have not gotten a Nobel prize for my research.


She is much more mature than what I have observed in others her age.


LaShawn continued to work with the children on their skills.


Tesla helped her work on her newest project car.


Unfortunately, the money was a necessity since the government would no longer allow us to ignore the taxes.  $3,400 is far too much.  This observatory is non-profit after all.


Soon enough, LaShawn was showing that she was going to have yet another child.  I do not see why it is necessary.


I, after all, have a much better way to get it done.


Tesla rushed outside to get her first glimpse of the vehicle by which she came to be.  She did, for several days afterwards, have the strangest wish that I not be abducted again.  I do not understand that at all.


The landing is always a bit of a shock.  You would think they would take more care now that my body is in a more fragile condition.


I practiced my acceptance speech in front of a mirror.  Surely, with this third child, even if it was not from a new group of aliens, I would be nominated.


Tesla brought this *boy* home on the school bus.  She assures me she needs more human friends.  I do not approve.


Alien friends are the only type you truly need.


The next day Tesla brought yet another human teen back home with her.  This *Meadow*, at least did not fear where Tesla came from.


Although there were some things she did not need to be talking to my newly aged up daughter about.


And there were certainly things they did not need to be doing!  Tesla informs me that I am a “stick-in-the-mud” and that she truly likes Meadow.  My own feelings don’t seem to matter to her at all.  LaShawn informs me that it is simply part of being a teenager.  That she is testing things out, meeting new people.  I had assumed that an alien child would have more sense.


The girl even snuck back to the house to leave flowers, and then came to ring the doorbell at 1 o’clock in the morning.


If it were not for the fact that I had other things to worry about, my daughter and I would be having a very severe talk.


However, her help was needed too much to alienate her quite that way yet.


LaShawn was still doing the bulk of the caring for the children, even though she was heavily pregnant herself.


I was able to sit down with Tesla one night and try to talk about her growing up too soon, but she continued to assure me she knew what she was doing.  I informed her that all she needed to be happy was a telescope and she laughed at me!  She said that if I had wanted a clone of myself, I should have found another way to have children, she wanted to meet new people, to make money so that she no longer lived in an observatory and that hopefully Meadow and herself would get married and open up a business.  She wanted to become a magician!  An Entertainer!  Where did I go wrong?!


Edwin grew into a child while working on his logic skill.


He saw no need to leave the nursery at the time and quickly became best friends with Galilei.


His timing was perfect, since there was no reason to buy a new toddler blanket for the new child.


Marie, named for Marie Curie, famous physicist, had my brown hair and her mother’s brown eyes.  Truthfully, I believe her mother also has brown hair, but dyes it.


Edwin might have brought a friend home from school and the two of them managed to interfere in Tesla’s date.  I, of course, did not promise Edwin extra time with the telescope if he would do so.


Unfortunately, it did not do much good.


Gally was alone in her room when she grew into a child.  She seems shocked that she has a hand just like every one else.


Just hours later, she had a full blooded brother that I named Kepler.


Even Tesla is at least interested enough in her grades to make sure her homework is done.


As the children and I had dinner, I knew that there was a decision that had to be made.  LaShawn was already making noises about having another child while she was still young enough.  However, the house simply was not big enough.  If she had another child, I would not be able to have another alien child, and I knew I had not met every alien that was in the skies around us.  LaShawn only moved in so that Tesla had someone to look after her if I was taken away, but she is now old enough to be trusted to take care of the younger ones.

Next up: Willow


Sims: 15 (+2)

Households: 4

SM: 2

Population: 30

Community Lots: 1

Eagle Valley BaCC Fall 1: Hawking

Published July 7, 2014 by crystyldragyn


I am Dr. Carl Hawking, world famous astronomer.


I live at my observatory with my daughter Tesla and LaShawn.    It is LaShawn’s job to take care of Tesla while I am busy with my telescope, and yet she cannot even help with a child’s homework?


LaShawn believes that our brief time upon the couch has created a child in a more normal way than Tesla was created.


Normal is boring.

I had believed, when the aliens removed me from my telescope again, that they were going to ask about Tesla.  However, this was an entirely different group of aliens.


They were every bit as rude about dropping me off as the first.


LaShawn took much worse to being pregnant than I did.  She took no care with herself at all.


She had bought an old clunker of a car, determined to fix it up and sell it off so that we would have some money.


I do not understand what else she thinks we need that would require her to put both herself, and Tesla in danger of those flying sparks.


And helping Tesla with her flying practice might have been a good deed, and a normal part of her duties normally, but she is far too likely to fall.  You would never see me having such a disregard for my own health while I was pregnant.


Which I was.


Tesla was extremely interested in the child I carried within me.  She, of course, knew that that was how she came to be.  Perhaps she was hoping for another with purple skin like hers?


LaShawn continued to work on the car all through her pregnancy.


Until the time came for her to give birth.


We decided to name the boy Edwin.  LaShawn completely refused to accept my choice of name, Hubble, but did allow us to use his first name.  I see no reason she should have had a problem with naming him after the scientist that one of the greatest telescopes ever built was named after.


I did my share of taking care of Edwin during the day while my telescope was not in use.  No one can say I am not a good father.


LaShawn, on the other hand went right back to work on that car of hers.


Meanwhile Tesla had learned everything she could learn about Mechanical things.


I suppose the money from the car was helpful.  The addition of a large nursery, where all of the toys and babies could be stored did clear up space in the dining room.


And of course, the child I myself gave birth to would need some room.


LaShawn had nothing to do with the birth of this child, so she had nothing to do with naming her.  My original plan was to name the child Galileo, but she turned out to be another girl.  Therefore I named her Galilei, Galileo’s last name and a more feminine version of the name.


LaShawn was friends with our neighbor Rose Willow who was *also* green.  I had not thought anything of it when she turned up green, because the only aliens I had met at the time were the same purple Tesla was.


However, when she went straight to Gally and picked her up, I did have to wonder.   Gally’s other birth parent did not have hair, so I admit to being a little worried that she would grow up into leaves.  My children were *aliens* not *plants*.


Tesla continued to practice her flying.  I suppose if LaShawn’s hobby is for the benefit of the children, I can put up with it.


It seemed like no time at all before it was time for Edwin’s first birthday.  I, of course, was the one to bring him to the cake.  I was not sure how well he would do transitioning, since he did not have his sister’s ability to fly.


He did quite well.  I should not be surprised, after all, he is also my child, and while LaShawn is not my intellectual equal, she is not a dullard by any means.  (As if I would allow such a person around my children)


I went back to my telescope, assured LaShawn could handle the rest of the night and no longer fatigued by my own pregnancy.


She not only could handle such things as potty training, but she actually wished to do so.  Perhaps I need to rethink my stance on her intelligence.


LaShawn was still working on her newest car when it was time for Gally to grow up.


Like her sister, she was covered with sparkles I could not capture.


Tesla met her siblings at the play table, although why they were drawing instead of playing with blocks, I do not know.  Gally loves blocks as much as Tesla does, while Edwin prefers his logic toy.  Perhaps he will follow me into science.  Of course, he does not have my name…


LaShawn felt the need to draw me down onto the couch once more and give the new toddlers a lesson in anatomy.  Thinking more on it, I’m not entirely sure such knowledge is necessary at this stage in their development, especially for Edwin who is fully human.  She informed me afterword that she heard a lullaby once again.

Fall for the Willows next!

LaShawn is a family sim.  Yet never once has she rolled a want to get engaged or married.  To have a baby, yes, but not to marry him.  Mind you, I don’t think I’d want to marry him either.  He’s a knowledge sim with a want to be Education Minister (not likely).  She’s a family sim with a want to marry off 6 children.  Normally that would be a doable want, but since so many of the kids in the family are not hers (and I don’t have the bigger family size hack), it might not be possible.  He, after all, wants to be abducted 5 times and is more likely to get that want.  After all, the multi PT hack has 4 different aliens.


Sims: 10 (+2)

Sim Multiplier: 1

Population: 10

Eagle Valley Summer 1: Hawking

Published July 6, 2014 by crystyldragyn


I am Dr. Carl Hawking, and this is my daughter Tesla.  Just last season she was gifted to me by the aliens.  I believe I will prove my worthiness if I can bring her up into an exceptional individual.


Tesla was quite interested in logic and I was more than interested in helping her build this necessary and important skill.


I taught her to speak.  Dr. Carl were her first words.


That night, as I searched the heavens for new stars or the return of the aliens, I suddenly had a thought.  What if they took me away again?  Although she would be fine for the few hours I would be gone, would Social Sim Services feel the same way?  Or would they try to remove her from my household?


The next day I interviewed several applicants.  I needed someone to actually move in so they would be there if I was taken unexpectedly in the middle of the night.


I watched how they interacted with Tesla.


I asked about finances.


I believed it unlikely that someone would choose to move in to the observatory as it was, but I did not have the money to renovate at this point.


This one, LaShawn Cameron, seemed most likely, so I gave her several additional tests, such as this strength test.  She should certainly have no trouble carrying Tesla around if it became necessary.


I felt it best whoever moved in felt something for me that they could transfer to my daughter.  Once LaShawn informed me she loved me or perhaps the roaches, I’m honestly not sure which, I invited her to move in.


With the money she brought with her, we were able to enclose the bottom two floors of the observatory.


The bottommost floor contained a kitchen, bathroom and small study area.  It also had an area for Tesla and her toys near the refrigerator.


The second floor, we were not able to furnish except for one bed in the main bedroom.


Not that it was truly necessary.


The couch worked quite well for physical endeavors and allowed Tesla to learn some things about human anatomy.


Secure in the knowledge that Tesla would be taken care of if I was removed from the property, I headed back to my beloved telescope.


Soon, it was time for Tesla to turn into a more tolerable person who could get her own milk.


She grew up into a human shirt.  I appreciated the irony.


Tesla’s block table got moved up into the area that is supposed to be her room, but it turned out to be rather small.  She could either have the block table in there, or a bed.


She chose the block table and slept in the hammock on the front porch.


LaShawn wishes us to have dinner together every night.  I gave into her this night, but if this is to continue, it must be before it gets dark out.

Tesla wished to see where she came from, and gave evidence of her alien abilities as she stood on empty air in order to see out of the telescope.


With Tesla’s toddler toys out of the way, there was room for this desk and a laptop.  I finally am able to write reports on the things I have observed.  It also gives me something to do when it is too light to use my telescope.


LaShawn changed her hair and informed me that she had heard a lullaby last time we were on this couch.  I have no idea what her auditory hallucinations have to do with me.

See you at the Willows!


Sims: 4 (+1)

Sim Multiplier: 1

Population: 4

Eagle Valley BACC Spring 1: Hawking

Published July 4, 2014 by crystyldragyn

Welcome back!  It’s been a long time hasn’t it?  A whole 3 hours I think!  But when you’re dealing with just one sim, it goes quickly.


I was taken into the alien ship to meet with their leaders, but they wouldn’t allow me to take any pictures.


As they left to go home, they promised they had left me a gift.


I don’t know where they left the gift, but my behind did not appreciate when they tossed me out.


I went back up to my telescope, hoping that they had left me a notice in the stars or were coming back to talk to me again.  I still had not managed to find my gift.  Surely a gift from aliens would be a great thing for the world, not to mention for my own reputation.


I believe I figured it out.


I admit, I did not take well to being pregnant.


I was hungry, but had nothing left in the refrigerator.  And I certainly did not have anything to feed to an alien baby.  What did alien babies even eat?


Surely, an alien child would be someone on my own intellectual level and I will finally have someone to talk to.


Oh aliens!  How does it come out?


Well, you are surprisingly human like.  I believe I will call you Tesla.  He was an exceptional individual and it sounds vaguely femalish.


Is…is she eating my neck?


She drinks this strange green drink while surrounded by green stink.  I would think it would be purple, considering her coloring.


My telescope!  I must save my telescope!


I rushed up as quickly as I could.  The rain had already put it out, but I used the fire extinguisher just in case.  I could not lose my telescope.


A child of her brilliance should not be making such a heinous stink.


She grew up quite quickly.


The sparkles were quite interesting.  I tried to capture some of them for analysis, but they vanished as she landed from her flight.


Tesla was tired so I headed back up to my telescope.  Now I’m glowing as well.

Tesla was trying to reach for the stars.


She’s eating my neck, isn’t she?

Next up, back to nature with Rose Willow

Sims: 2 (+1)

Sim Multiplyer: 1

Population: 2

Eagle Valley BACC Winter 1: Hawking

Published July 3, 2014 by crystyldragyn

This is a Build A City Challenge based, sort-of, off of the rule set at http://redmond-flats.weebly.com/original-challenge-rules.html .  I have, however, made some changes.  For instance, the Military section there… not happening.  Way too complicated for me.  Also, the first people to come into Eagle Valley are not there to start a town, so I am adding 4 CAS sims, one a season, before starting to play seriously.  And I apologize for the picture quality, I will work on it, I promise.


I am Dr. Carl Hawking.


I have moved out here to the middle of nowhere in Eagle Valley.  I needed to

get away from the lights of the city to build my observatory.


Here is the Hawking Observatory.  Those idiots at Simvard University would not give me any grants.  I will

show them!  I will show them all!  I will discover things never seen before!

They will never laugh at me again!


Who cares if I do not have much, I have what I need.  A toilet, a shower, a refrigerator,

and the hammock I have yet to set up.


What is this?  This area is supposed to be deserted!  And how dare he come right up

on my observatory!  Whoever gave him the right?!  That’s trespassing!


Do these people not understand what No Trespassing means?!  She should cry!


She’s heard of me.  I will always accept compliments.


But if people do not stop showing up, I am going to bomb them all!


Finally, it has gotten dark enough that I can do what I came here to do.   The Astrological Society has promised to pay me for any new things I discover in the galaxy.  At least someone trusts in my vision and understands what I am doing here.


The newspaper has not yet run an article about my observatory or my leaving Simvard University.  I would think it would be large enough news to be on the front page.  After all, losing someone with my brilliance was a great blow to the University.


I should not be surprised that the bills have found me.  I do not think there is anywhere the government can not find a person.


This cat was extremely uncooperative when I tried to pet him.  I was not aware that cats had such defenses.  Then again, I care not for animals upon this earth, only those off of it.


Perhaps winter was not the best time to move out into the country.


It got a little cold and I actually had to leave my telescope before morning came!


I was in such a hurry to get warmed up I did not even remove my cap before taking a shower.


I still did not have a mention in the paper, so took the time to write to the editor to complain.


There’s something behind me, isn’t there?


I thought I saw something in a nearby star cluster.


Perhaps I just need some more light.


They’re here!  I knew I wasn’t crazy!  They are the crazy ones for never believing me!


Wait!  Wait! I need my camera!  They’ll never believe me without my camera!

And winter is over.

Eagle Valley

Population 1

Sim Multiplier 1

Households 1