
All posts tagged Beauregarde

Eagle Valley BaCC Spring 2: Beauregarde

Published July 24, 2014 by crystyldragyn


The season started with a party and some very interesting canoodling.  I obviously need to check the jealousy section of ACR.  I think I have it set to engagement, and since Talia and Michelle aren’t engaged, Michelle didn’t seem to mind this.


Of course, at least the no jealousy meant that there was no distraction to the actual birthday they were there to celebrate.


And Donnatella turned out cute.


Abe managed to talk to Daisy about a restaurant.  At the moment, the Deppiesses were the only family that had a chance to run one successfully.  They’d already proved they could run stores, and didn’t that annoy the man, but they had enough adults to run it… if they had one that could cook well enough.


The party ended without any drama.


For some reason Demi was the one everyone wanted.  She wasted no time telling this man that she wasn’t interested in kissing him.


Nor this one.


Thankfully he took well to the info that she was married and didn’t try again.


Donnatella grew surrounded by snapdragons.  She easily learned her skills.


Played with her bunny head.


And made friends.


With Donna growing so well, Demi was able to come to the store to help with restocking and sales.  They were able to expand the grocery with more freezer and produce cases.


At one point it got so busy they both had to work the cash registers just to keep up with demand.


But they always had each other to keep their aspirations up.


Back at home Demi decided to do something different and try to recreate a famous painting she had studied in college.


And the two of them decided it was time to expand their family.


It wasn’t long until Demi was rushing to the bathroom every time she turned around.


And one last trip to the loo before she started showing and her morning sickness was over.


Donna was continuing to be cute until it was time for her to grow up.


There was no birthday party this time, as Donna jumped into childhood.


And a quick makeover ends our season.

Next up: Toyonaga


Sims: 26

Households: 6

Community Lots: 5

SM: 3

Population: 78

Abe’s Grocery: level 7

Eagle Valley BaCC Winter 2: Beauregarde

Published July 14, 2014 by crystyldragyn


Abe Beauregarde was feeling very good as he returned home from his new grocery.  His dream of owning the best grocery store in Eagle Valley, the start of his business empire was beginning to come true.  But an empire needed an empress as well as an heir or two.  Demi Louie understood him.


When he asked her to marry him,


she wasted no time in agreeing.  Demi had no money to her name, but she wanted to be a celebrity chef.  Abe knew there was no way the two of them could run a restaurant by themselves.  Neither of them could even cook!  But somehow he’d find a way.


Demi moved in and they got right to work on that heir.


And in no time at all, she was sure that he or she was on their way.  The only thing she hoped was that she wouldn’t be like Iris’ mother.  Three at once was far too many.


Demi convinced Abe to buy a flower station and wasted no time in making snapdragons.  Abe wanted some of those for his store.  Surely they’d make the customers more mellow.


She didn’t have time to make any for him before he headed off to work.  That day there seemed to be a ridiculous number of people that couldn’t find what they wanted.  It was a very small store, nothing was hidden from view, but at least they all appreciated the help.


Abe didn’t stay long at the store.  Unlike last week, he had something at home to worry about.


Demi gave herself a makeover and Abe assured her she was even lovelier now that he could see her face.


In no time at all, Demi was ready to give birth.


Little black haired blue eyed Donnatella was soon born. (Everybody else, when I made them in CAS I gave recessives to.  I don’t think I did with Abe, and I’m not sure why.)


The wedding party had taken so long to put together that Donnatella was a Louie, but it was finally time. (Actually, I decided every family name of which I didn’t already have a child by that name, would have at least one out of wedlock if possible.  So now Donnatella will eventually be able to start the Louie household.  Since I have way more girls than boys right now, 10-4 although you haven’t met one of them, so far it’s possible.)


Even with all that extra time and renting the chairs, still everybody stayed on the other side of the arch to watch the wedding.


But at least most of them came out of the house to watch.  The Hawking/Cameron family had been invited, but Dr. Carl answered the phone, so unsurprisingly they chose not to come.


Demi spent a lot of time talking to Talia DaVinci.  They were much alike, both loving art and having babies to talk about.  Talia was a bit put out at Demi, since Donnatella (or Donatelo), had been one of the names she wanted for her own children. (In other words, I forgot what lot I was on, and was thinking this was my artist lot when I named her.  I didn’t have a naming scheme for any but the first three households.)


Demi was a face smasher.


The party ended up being a roof raiser, and although Abe had only managed to get his grocery store up to level 6, it was considered a good season.

Next: Toyonaga


Sims: 21 (+2)

Households: 5

SM: 2

Population: 42

Community Lots: 2

Abe’s Grocery: lvl 6

Eagle Valley BaCC Fall 1: Beauregarde

Published July 10, 2014 by crystyldragyn


My name is Abraham Beauregarde, but everyone calls me Honest Abe.


I came here to Eagle Valley because I saw *potential*!  I saw *possibility*!  Here we could build a big city and I’d be right there on the ground floor!  It was perfect!  I was going to become the richest man in Eagle Valley, just see if I didn’t!  I’d show all those people who thought I couldn’t even run a decent used car lot.


My new neighbors were an interesting mix, and they didn’t seem to get along together, but that doesn’t matter when it comes time to buy now does it?


No one seemed to be ready to buy tvs, but that was okay, no town started with an electronics store.  No, what this community needed was a grocery store.


I just need to get enough money together for it first.


I made a little money that first day, but it wasn’t enough.


The next day I met Rose.  She understood my vision for this town and told me she knew the perfect person for me.


She introduced me to Demi.  Now Demi was the first person I met around here with an actual job.  She ran an artist commune.  Not the most profitable business, but surely something could be worked out if we worked out.


And we were working out just fine.


Then Rose, you know, the one that introduced us, started kissing up my arm!  Right in front of Demi!  I am *Honest* Abe!  I ain’t gonna cheat!  Especially in front of the girl I’m dating.  What kind of person did she think I was?


That night, Demi left me this nice little fountain.  Not something I could use, but it sure sold for a hefty chunk of change.


Add that to the money I got from selling things I dug up and I had enough.


My new business was going to be called Abe’s Grocery.  Yeah, yeah, not the most creative thing ever, but it got the idea across, didn’t it?  When it’s the first store in town, you don’t want to confuse people.


It wasn’t much, but it was mine, and it was only the first.


Dr. Hawking was not pleased.  He seemed to think the lights from the store would interfere with his observatory.  You know, the observatory that was all the way on the other side of the area!  Like I’m going to shut my store down because of that!


I hadn’t actually run a cash register before.  We didn’t have one in our car lot.  It took a while to get used to one.


But sales, oh sales I knew how to do.


My grocery store started gaining a good reputation.  I had no idea there were so many people around here.  This was going even better than I thought.


Oh, not everything was perfect, mostly thanks to that stupid cash register, and trying to run it all by myself.


I even met someone else with impeccable style.


I used this contraption to keep me going.  I was not going to leave until I absolutely had to.


I even got the hang of that cash register.  By the time I left my store was a level 5, I had a silver sales badge, a bronze cash register and restocking badge.


Today the store!  Tomorrow the town! Next year… the world!  Just kidding.

(blah.  Abe had such a strong voice in my head and it didn’t come through at all)


Sims: 13

Households: 4

SM: 2

Population: 26

Community Lots: 1

Abe’s Grocery lvl 5

Jobs: None (I’m using the level 10 for a business slot, even though this rule set says lvl 5)