
All posts tagged Summer

Eagle Valley BaCC Summer 2: DaVinci

Published August 9, 2014 by crystyldragyn


Seeing Leonardo and Rachael drawing together warmed my heart.  One day they would both be great artists like me.


I was well on my way to my next masterpiece, manfully ignoring Michelle.


She was not having a good day.  Gally, Dr. Carl’s second daughter, had called to tell us that he had been abducted again.  Michelle, it seems, and I didn’t know this, had a fear of true aliens.  I’d never seen her have any problems with Dr. Carl’s children, but she had feared him being abducted and when she heard, she just broke down.


I had hoped the Sim Shrink would be able to help her.  I think perhaps, he’s a quack.  Now that my newest masterpiece is done, perhaps all she needs is a good dose of inspiration.


And I do know what inspires my Michelle.


Ever since my children were born, I find less and less need for anyone outside of my family.  Michelle has even started making noises about, perhaps, a wedding.


I believe, if she asks, I will say yes.  Or perhaps I should ask her myself?  Decisions, decisions.


Michelle used our latest bout of inspiration, to inspire her to use this contraption to get charisma points.


She is dedicated to becoming the first Business Tycoon in Eagle Valley.


Our children are as close as twins, I would almost think they were, if it wasn’t for one simple fact.


Leonardo, grew up first.


I was so very proud of him!  The first thing he wished to do upon growing up was to learn to paint…. Of course that is not my easel!  My easel is sacrosanct!  Not even my dear Michelle is allowed to use my easel.  I bought him his own of course.  Rachael watched him for a time.


She then headed back to her table to draw.


Even with the easel, Leonardo still liked drawing on the children’s table as I worked on my own paintings.  Michelle was working on becoming friends with this person as well as learning logic.  She assures me that friends are necessary as more than muses if you want to get anywhere in business.


Once my latest masterpiece was finished, I took the time to teach Leonardo how to study before starting a new one.  I do believe Michelle would be better at this then me.  Leonardo did not seem to appreciate the answers that I gave him.  Of course, his teacher did not seem to appreciate my answers either.  Benjamin West was the perfect answer to the question “Name an ocean painter”, it’s not my fault the teacher forgot to add that last word.  Who cares about the names of the oceans?  All that matters is the artists and pictures that depict them.


Michelle had been working far too hard, but she wouldn’t listen to me about it.  Perhaps marriage was not for us if she cared so little that she fell asleep in the middle of the spaghetti.  She hadn’t had time to be my inspiration in days!


She did, at least, manage to be there when our daughter grew into a child.


But once again, I was the one having to help with homework.


Leonardo was always willing to make friends when he wasn’t drawing or painting.  When he saw this girl… Amarylis, I believe?  One of the daughters of Rose and Talin, he rushed out the door to greet her before she got too far away.


And when he brought Edwin Cameron home from school, he made sure to introduce him to Rachael.  He’s such a good big brother.


I’m still not sure what I’m going to do about Michelle.  She swears she’s only one promotion away from becoming a Business Tycoon, and as soon as that happens we’ll sit down and discuss our future.  I don’t know if I can last that long without a muse, and yet, I truly don’t want to set a bad example for the little artists we’re raising.


Sims: 33

Households: 8

Community Lots: 6

SM: 3

Population: 99

La Boheme: lvl 3

Jobs: Business lvl 9

Eagle Valley BaCC Summer 2: Willow

Published August 8, 2014 by crystyldragyn



The Willow/Deppiesse family  was chaos at times.


Daisy tried to stay out of it, working on her fishing in the hopes of getting into her dream job of Oceanography.


Sage and Amarylis were watching Talin and Iris work on their stations.  Iris had recently headed in to LaBoheme and bought a new set of clothes.


Rose found Aster buried in the roses.  And who knows where the twins were at the time.


Soon enough, though, it was time for birthdays, at least for the girls.  Sage was sleeping on his mat at the time.


Aster stuck with her favorite color, yellow.


Amarylis was much more ladylike than her sister.


And Sage, growing up late, managed to get all of the intention.  Even Tesla came by to see him grow.


Daisy continued to do her own thing.  She had met Matthew Bruty at her sister’s flower shop and come to like him quite a bit.  She asked him on a date.


He asked her for a kiss.


The kids all gathered upstairs.  Poppy was not happy that Aster was using the shower when she wanted to be in there, Sage and Peony were realizing they had the same hair, Amarylis was not being ladylike at all and Iris was playing chess.


When not fishing or dating Matthew, Daisy had been working on her cooking skill.  The family, well, Talin, Iris and herself, had been talking about opening a restaurant ever since Abe Beauregarde had brought it up.  Now that she had finally maxed her cooking skill, it was time to buy a new property.


They had decided that since Talin owned Fish Rodeo and Iris had Snap, Pop, then this restaurant, Daisy’s Diner, would belong to Daisy.  She quickly got to work familiarizing herself with her new cooktop.  Learning about cooking through a book and actually using a stove/oven were completely different things.  Talin had decided he was going to be the server because at least he had 3 body points, while Iris, who was going to be hostess, had none.


Talin was not always the best server around.  This customer did not appreciate having his food dumped in his lap.


Iris caused some worrisome behavior.  Here she obviously had no idea what she was talking about (and I dearly hope that this was just because the dish he wanted didn’t have a corresponding picture).


And her way of greeting Tesla, who she had never so much flirted with, was extremely inappropriate.


She even headed outside to meet the good witch.


But then, Daisy did that too.


Anytime she could leave her stove, she headed outside to talk to the witch.  She’d had no idea that she wanted to be a witch before she began talking to Bim Kody, the Infallibly Good Witch.


But she made her decision.


Mona, the Atrociously Evil Witch, believed that was a waste of a good green skin, and often cursed the diner in retaliation.


Even with those distractions, Daisy’s Diner made it to level 5 before they headed home.


Back at home there was the garden to weed.


Games to be played.


Gardens to harvest.


And more games to be played.


Poppy and Sage stayed there for hours just daring the other one to drop and let them by.


Then it was time for the twins to age up.


Peony was not thrilled with the all green outfit she was wearing.  She didn’t mind the green shirt, but paired with a different shade of green pants, it was just too much.  She did decide to let her hair down from it’s ponytail and finally admit she needed glasses.  Peony had spent a bit of time with Tesla as she was growing up, and found she wanted to be an entertainer just like her.  She wanted money so that she’d have time for pleasurable pursuits.


Peony also liked the top she grew up in, but not so much the shirt.  Both twins decided to go see what the clothes shop had available as soon as possible.

Peony liked learning things, but had her heart set another way… woohooing 20 sims without a care to whether they’re male or female, she enjoyed both.


Poppy might have wanted to woohoo, but she didn’t really know how to go about it.


Poppy did like her green shirt, but found she preferred this one with the cargo pants she fell in love with.


While Peony stuck with purple but found something a little more her.


Daisy got to work with her cauldron.


She added something to the eggplant juice Talin started craving.


He drank glass after glass, feeling himself get smarter with every glass he drank.


With one knowledge point left Talin decided to work on his body skill on his own instead of with the eggplant juice and maybe lose some of the paunch he had acquired.  When he finished, he felt wonderful!  He had always wanted  to max his skills and finally he had gotten it done. (even if it was cheating in his mind).


Meanwhile Daisy called Matthew over.


And asked him a very important question.


He said yes, and moved in.


Since she didn’t want to keep the last name Deppiesse, they got married quickly.


And moved out to a premade house on Hawk Lane.


With Daisy having moved out, Talin and Rose tried one more time to have a baby, and this time they heard a lullaby.


Sims: 33 (+1)

Households: 8 (+1)

Community Lots: 6 (+1)

SM: 3

Population: 99

Community Lots:

Fish Rodeo: lvl 10

Snap, Pop: lvl 5

(Daisy’s Diner: lvl 5 went with it’s owner)

Eagle Valley BaCC Summer 2: Hawking

Published August 8, 2014 by crystyldragyn


I do not believe I ever truly understood how much LaShawn did around here.  snapshot_20c16d1b_80de6932

Before she joined the household, I survived off of cereal and lunchmeat sandwiches, so had no need to use the stove.


I was not particularly good at it.  If it was not for the child I was carrying needing nourishment at this time, I would not even be bothering.


There were also problems with the tub and toilet that I had not been required to put up with before.


I was not completely incompetent and managed to get Gally and Kepler fed before the bus.


Tesla took care of the misfunctioning plumbing.


The children were at school when I felt the familiar pains.


I named her Alva, after Thomas Alva Edison of course.  I was delighted to have proof of yet a third alien species.


When Tesla came home she immediately started taking care of all of the chores I had let slide.  Having her was certainly a good decision on my part.  Now if I could only convince her to stay…


She took care of Alva,


and helped Kepler with his homework.


She did ask that I continue working on LaShawn’s latest car since she wasn’t able to do so.  I reluctantly did so.


I was finally able to return to my beloved telescope.


I was not expecting to be abducted again so soon.  This time it was Gally and Kepler’s people that wished to ask me questions about how they were coping and growing.


Gally, as usual, could not wait to call her siblings and inform them that I had been abducted again.


I was quite pleased that I was not yet too old to have yet another alien child, even though I already had two with green skins.


Not one day later, I was abducted yet again, by a completely separate species that I did not have a child with yet.  I was not pleased that I was already pregnant.


Meanwhile things moved on as they tend to do.  Tesla asked that girl to go steady with her.


Gally was practicing her flying when she decided to grow up.


And did so without my permission.  She had some interest in knowledge but a greater interest in fortune.  What use do we have for money?  Even worse?  She wishes to be a video game designer!  It’s not quite as bad as an entertainer, but what am I doing wrong?


My son Edwin showed up in order to be there for his littlest sister’s birthday.  As did that girl.


Alva grew into a white skinned, golden eyed little girl who looks as if she is wearing makeup.


LaShawn came over to pick up Edwin and stayed to play with Kepler for a moment.


Tesla helped with Alva’s toddler training.


Although, I, of course taught her to speak and to call me Dr. Carl as they all do.  They all seem to have some trouble with the words though, even Tesla makes it sound more like “Dad” instead of Dr. Carl.


It is always such a surprise when I suddenly get bigger.  If I had not seen LaShawn go through the same thing I would believe it was because of the alien nature of the coming child.


Now that Gally is getting older, she is taking the time to get to know her family members.


Although I do not understand why hanging Alva upside down is her way of getting to know her.


She begged for a bass guitar, and since there was still a bit of money left over from the last car, I allowed her to get it.


However, she ended up spending far too much time outside.


She went to bed not feeling well and woke up with a sunburn.  How, exactly, does green skin get a suntan?


She ended up getting so overheated that she couldn’t even stand.  Perhaps not having any melatonin in her skin made her more susceptible to burning?


She even collapsed.


Perhaps it was contagious.


Soon it was time for the newest alien to be born.  I called for Tesla, but she didn’t come.


So once I gave birth to a child who also wanted to see Tesla, I headed upstairs.


She wasn’t there either, but I put the first one down to give birth to a second.  I hoped for a moment that the second child would be from the fourth group of aliens, but they were both green skinned, and both girls.  Why do they continue to give me girls?  After some thought and searching online databases, I decided to name them Joule and Volta.


LaShawn came over for Tesla’s birthday, as did that girl.


She did not seem to appreciate growing up, nor did any of the rest of us appreciate it, it seems.


No one even seemed to notice that girl growing up, into very inappropriate clothes.  Perhaps after this break down they will rethink each other.


The Sim Psychologist showed up to help Tesla out, I suppose.  Witch doctors!  Hmph!


Honestly, he didn’t help too much.


That girl helped more.


But then she convinced Tesla, my Tesla!  My first born alien child!  My only purple skinned alien child!  To move out.


I found a way to get over it.


Sims: 32 (+3)

Households: 7 (+1)

Community Lots: 5

SM: 3

Population: 96

Eagle Valley BaCC Summer 1: DaVinci

Published July 7, 2014 by crystyldragyn


My name is Talia DaVinci.


I was *born* to create art!  It’s even in my name!  Sure, Leonardo invented stuff and stuff, but who really cares about that?  Think of the art!  My purpose in life is to make things pretty.  I moved out here to Eagle Valley to get more inspiration for my art.


My parents were quite happy to give me enough money to buy this cute little house.  They said something about getting me away from the “bad influences” in my life.  What bad influences?  Carly and Megan and Tina and Louise and Shaniqua and… well, you get the picture.  They were just friends.  Friends who *inspired* me!


You would think that if they were going to buy me a house they’d give me enough money to furnish it.  Ah well, it’s no big deal.  After all, it’s what’s on the outside that counts!  Function has no place getting in the way of the pretty.


I think Mommy and Dad thought there wouldn’t be any cute girls around.  They were wrong.  I’ve already got people leaving me gifts and giving me compliments.   I suppose I can take a few minutes away from my painting.  After all, I might need some more inspiration.  And nothing inspires me more than cute girls.


I don’t know that this guy is worth leaving my picture for, but he does live right next door, so I suppose I should be polite.  *sigh*


Oh!  I know that sound!  Someone is hearting me!  I love it when someone hearts me!  It means I’m more likely to be inspired!


Oh yeah, inspiration, here I come!  When we met it was like getting hit by a lightning bolt! Zap! Zap! Zap! Three lightning bolts even!


My first picture on my new land.  I think I’ll call her Michelle, after the gorgeous redhead that came over earlier.  I made sure to get her number before she left.


She was delighted to come over for a date.


And we did have quite a bit of fun.  She inspired me so much I immediately felt the need to get out of bed and go paint.  I hope she understands.  I am an artist!  If she’s going to be my muse, she needs to realize that art comes first.


This person could not appreciate true art!  He will not be invited back.


I did, sometimes, let the landscape inspire me.  The river?  Um… well… and the trees?  They’re um… they’re over at the Willow place, right across the street of course!


The next time I invited Michelle over was more for me than my art.  I’d never had just one muse before, but I’d never had someone I appreciated as much as I did Michelle.


She was not just a lover, but a friend as well.


I might even be falling in love instead of just lust.


Do you have any idea what true love will do to my art?!?  It makes me glow!  And it will bring me true masterpieces!  I just know it will!

See you in the fall!

Talia is a Fortune/Romance sim with a want to be the Law (not happening).  Her first date with Michelle, who she does have three bolts with, they ACR woohooed, but the whole time her wants panel was masterpiece, money, top arts and crafts.  Not a single want for Michelle after pillowfighting her.

I actually expected Talia to be a bit more ditzy, but she turned out just to be a little obsessed.


Sims: 8

Households: 3

Sim Multiplier: 1

Population: 8

See you back at Hawking’s place for the fall!

Eagle Valley Summer 1: Willow

Published July 6, 2014 by crystyldragyn


This is Rose Willow.


This is Rose Willow killing bugs, bugs and even more bugs!  Yet they still keep coming!


While killing bugs in the middle of the night, the can of bug spray exploded.


Once she finished coughing, she noticed that something was different.


Living off the land had a whole different meaning for her now.


Upset and confused, what would Talin think of her now? Rose found herself shaking her head, wishing for someone she could talk to.


When she looked up, there was a toddler plantsim just like her.  She named her Iris.


With Iris to care for now, she knew she had to get it together.  There were tomatoes to harvest, cucumber plants to weed


and of course, bugs to kill.  You would have thought that giant explosion of bug spray would have killed them all.


The next morning, she hesitantly called up Talin.  What if he didn’t like her new form?


It didn’t seem to be a problem.


Overcome, she laid one on him before asking him to move in.  She would build him a house and they could share it at night and work on the farm all day.


She started harvesting oranges from the tree she had just talked into health.  She didn’t notice


Talin using the bug spray.  She went over to stop him.


It was too late.


Talin took being turned into a plantsim with the same equanimity he had taken *her* becoming a plantsim and went right back to work.


Iris didn’t seem to care one way or the other.


Rose and Talin realized they were still people and could do almost everything a person could do, but no longer needed to sleep or eat.  They also realized they no longer really needed the house that they’d built when he moved in.


The two plantsims came up with a system.  They would talk to the plant until it was thriving, then sell the mouthwatering fruit.  They no longer needed to eat it themselves after all.


They would use the money to buy lady bug houses to take care of the bugs.


And a blocks table for Iris and Delphinia, Talin’s plantbaby daughter.  Talin did admit he should have thought better of her name, since he and Rose were not married yet, his daughter was Delphinia Deppiesse, which was quite a mouthful.


In no time at all, it seemed Iris was grown up.


and finding a love of her own.

(point of interest… it is impossible to tell from pictures which plantsim is which.  Well, except for pictures like that, since Iris is the only one who would be kissing Jill (autonomously through ACR, only one lightning bolt, not going to last)I need to figure out someway to tell them apart besides when they’re wearing underwear)

Things I haven’t said:  Rose and Talin aren’t married or even engaged yet.  I’m hoping he’ll roll the want, she’s had it locked for a while.  Rose is a family sim with a LTW to reach her golden anniversary (doable).  Talin is a knowledge sim with a LTW of maxing his skills (doable).  Iris is a Popularity/Fortune with a job LTW, don’t remember which one, but not doable right now.  She will not be the Willow heir, because she’s only about 6 days younger than her mother.  Delphinia Deppiesse will also be moving out when she grows up and they have a business and be starting a Deppiesse family.  The kids were basically left to themselves, although they were bathed a couple of times, given smart milk and taught their nursery rhymes.


Sims: 7 (+3)

Sim Multiplier: 1

Population: 7

Eagle Valley Summer 1: Hawking

Published July 6, 2014 by crystyldragyn


I am Dr. Carl Hawking, and this is my daughter Tesla.  Just last season she was gifted to me by the aliens.  I believe I will prove my worthiness if I can bring her up into an exceptional individual.


Tesla was quite interested in logic and I was more than interested in helping her build this necessary and important skill.


I taught her to speak.  Dr. Carl were her first words.


That night, as I searched the heavens for new stars or the return of the aliens, I suddenly had a thought.  What if they took me away again?  Although she would be fine for the few hours I would be gone, would Social Sim Services feel the same way?  Or would they try to remove her from my household?


The next day I interviewed several applicants.  I needed someone to actually move in so they would be there if I was taken unexpectedly in the middle of the night.


I watched how they interacted with Tesla.


I asked about finances.


I believed it unlikely that someone would choose to move in to the observatory as it was, but I did not have the money to renovate at this point.


This one, LaShawn Cameron, seemed most likely, so I gave her several additional tests, such as this strength test.  She should certainly have no trouble carrying Tesla around if it became necessary.


I felt it best whoever moved in felt something for me that they could transfer to my daughter.  Once LaShawn informed me she loved me or perhaps the roaches, I’m honestly not sure which, I invited her to move in.


With the money she brought with her, we were able to enclose the bottom two floors of the observatory.


The bottommost floor contained a kitchen, bathroom and small study area.  It also had an area for Tesla and her toys near the refrigerator.


The second floor, we were not able to furnish except for one bed in the main bedroom.


Not that it was truly necessary.


The couch worked quite well for physical endeavors and allowed Tesla to learn some things about human anatomy.


Secure in the knowledge that Tesla would be taken care of if I was removed from the property, I headed back to my beloved telescope.


Soon, it was time for Tesla to turn into a more tolerable person who could get her own milk.


She grew up into a human shirt.  I appreciated the irony.


Tesla’s block table got moved up into the area that is supposed to be her room, but it turned out to be rather small.  She could either have the block table in there, or a bed.


She chose the block table and slept in the hammock on the front porch.


LaShawn wishes us to have dinner together every night.  I gave into her this night, but if this is to continue, it must be before it gets dark out.

Tesla wished to see where she came from, and gave evidence of her alien abilities as she stood on empty air in order to see out of the telescope.


With Tesla’s toddler toys out of the way, there was room for this desk and a laptop.  I finally am able to write reports on the things I have observed.  It also gives me something to do when it is too light to use my telescope.


LaShawn changed her hair and informed me that she had heard a lullaby last time we were on this couch.  I have no idea what her auditory hallucinations have to do with me.

See you at the Willows!


Sims: 4 (+1)

Sim Multiplier: 1

Population: 4